Texelse Bierbrouwerij
NetSuite + Crafted ERP
NetSuite + Crafted ERP
A few details
In just over 20 years, the Texelse brewery was able to grow into a mature professional business that combines traditional craftsmanship and contemporary technology. To allow the next step in this impressive growth process, the Texelse Bierbrouwerij decided to implement a new ERP solution.
How we solved it
With NetSuite + Crafted ERP FoodQloud implemented a future-proof cloud-based business application, specifically tailored for breweries. No more excel sheets, loose receipts but everything streamlined into one central system. The project was approached in several phases, to gradually train the core users and minimize the stress on the daily routine.
Replaced fragmented systems with one integrated ERP for streamlined processes.
Phased implementation minimized disruption and trained core users effectively.
Improved traceability and quality management with QA and QC features.
Added excise, fermentation, and tank visualization for tailored brewing needs.
The full story
At the brewery quality in the broadest sense of the word is an important aim. Robin van Zuijlen, CFO of the Texelse Brewery: ‘Due to the growth of the organization it is sometimes difficult to deliver sufficient inventory with limited capacity. The implementation of a company-wide ERP solution will help us maximize the return on our product capacity.’ The goal is to integrate all our processes so we can work more efficiently and get a more comprehensive insight.’
With the implementation of one integrated business application for financial management, procurement, sales, CRM, inventory management, production and quality assurance, Texelse Brewery wants to reduce the number of manual data entries and increase the manageability of processes. Robin van Zuijlen: ‘We can save a lot of time and minimize the number of errors. Currently, we are using many different systems and Excel sheets for documenting information. In fact, some matters are still even documented on receipts. With one central system we can align the entire data stream within the brewery.
“With one central system, we streamline the entire flow of information within the brewery.”
– Robin van Zuijlen (CFO Texelse Brewery)
The Texelse Brewery and implementation partner FoodQloud take a phased project approach with the ERP project to gradually guide the core users and minimize the stress on the daily routine. The most important objective of the first phase is getting a more comprehensive insight in the flow of goods by means of a balanced stock administration with real-time insight. This applies to procurement, productions and sales functions, where tracing and costing are easily safeguarded. The product administration will also be designed to support the flow of goods and products.
Once a comprehensive insight is gained of the flow of goods, Texelse Brewery focuses on introducing quality as guiding principle for all its business processes. With the Quality Assurance (QA) functionality in NetSuite they can connect the status of the inventory to the batches. With the Quality Control (QC) option the quality controls can be executed. In addition to QA and QC, NetSuite offers faster tracking and tracing of products and extensive possibilities to register and respond to potential complaints.
“With NetSuite + Crafted ERP of FoodQloud we opt for a future-proof cloud-based business application, specifically tailored for breweries.”
– Robin van Zuijlen (CFO Texelse Brewery)
The Texelse Brewery strives for a more efficient financial administration, with uniformity as one of the KPIs. Robin van Zuijlen: ‘Think of dynamic financial reports, linked to up-to-date transactions. This gives us with a real-time insight in the business performance. Currently, this is often calculated manually with data exports to an external BI application. This is a time-consuming, personal and error-prone process.’
During the second phase of the project, Texelse Brewery will implement more brewery-specific features of the NetSuite native add-on Crafted ERP. These include standard branch-specific components such as excise duty administration, fermentation management and recipe management. In addition, the application enables tank readings with full batch registration, a brewing production log and quality registration. Robin van Zuijlen: ‘We can also visualize tanks and the contents in the system. The strong visual aspect makes NetSuite + Crafted ERP utmost intuitive and is also implemented in the graphic production planning of the tanks.’
The brewmasters of Texelse Brewery have been crafting their unique beers since 1999. Texel’s specialty beers are brewed using only natural ingredients, including Texel barley. This makes all their specialty beers a pure product of Texel.